About Our founder

The inspiring journey of our founder, Raphael Isaac Rabin Ijarah, leading a decade-long mission to serve the marginalized in Malawi and Tanzania.

Raphael Isaac Rabin Ijarah

President & Founder

It’s an honor for us to lead one of the world’s charitable foremost organizations. For more than 10 years, GOFRIL has been helping people among the world’s ignored and GOSPEL resistant Areas. Today, we operate mainly in Malawi and Tanzania. Among our members we have leading staff and volunteers with exceptional skills and experience in different programs that live in the community and share in the hopes and frustrations of the people.

It’s a great strength reaching out people. Whether a rural village or an urban slum and refugees’ camps in Malawi and Tanzania, we are there, ministering the word of God, health, food, clothes and shelters to orphans who have lost their parents, abandoned children, widows, people with disability and elderly people and facilitate school sponsorship for the underprivileged children’s education; we are there helping people develop life skills and a lifelong interest in learning, we are also there to provide polyglot language consulting conference interpreter, translator, language trainer and translation/transcription as well as all forms of interpretation Services in Kiswahili, French, English, Kinyarwanda and Portuguese. We also pray, intercede and counsel needy people by special request.

As a result, each year we bring meaningful life transformation to 1000 of the world’s most marginalized people and new believers. We are very excited by the many opportunities to make a difference for reaching out souls for Christ.

Find Location:

GOFRIL Ministries
Dzaleka Refugee Camp
P.O.BOX 16, Dowa-Lilongwe ML
316, Karonga Zone

Raphael Isaac Rabin Ijarah - President
Cell: +265 992 17 40 35
Office: +265 995 30 40 01

Website: www.gofrilministries.org
E-mail: rabinisaac22@gmail.com / info.gofril@gmail.com

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