Our Service Times

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Serving people worldwide (Africa, Asia, Australia, America etc.) 316, Karonga Street- Dzaleka Refugee Camp. Contact: (+265 995 30 40 01)

GOFRIL Ministries Service Times

Service Days Time
Office Days Monday - Friday 8:00AM – 12:00AM & 2:00PM – 4:00PM
Gofril Multicultural Club Event Every Month End Saturdays 4:00PM – 6:30PM
Gofril Bible Training Classes Monday – Friday 8:30AM – 12:00AM
Polyglot Language Classes Monday – Friday 7:00AM – 8:30AM, 8:30AM – 10:00AM, 10:00AM – 12:00AM, 2:00PM – 4:00PM
Vocational Training Classes Monday – Friday 2:00PM – 4:00PM
Literacy Training Classes Monday – Friday 3:00PM – 4:00PM
Counseling and Prayer Services Monday, Wednesday & Friday 8:00AM – 12:00AM & 2:00PM – 4:00PM
Sunday Tonight Prayer 6:00PM – 7:00PM

How to Pray for Gofril Ministries and Kids under our Compassion program.

Pray for:

1. Unity within our GOFRIL team

Even with 25+ people ministering on our property -- between vulnerable staff, and volunteers -- our place feels like a family. Pray for continued unity among us. Pray that we resolve conflict easily and work together well to care for these vulnerable and spread the Gospel of Peace in the entire world.

2. Financial Provision

Pray for the continued financial support of our organization. Pray for an increase in finances as our organization grows. As we grow to expand the ministry of the Kingdom of God in Tanzania and Mozambique Camps, our needs will multiply. Pray also that we can continue to steward the finances with wisdom.

3. Community Outreach

Pray for our community outreach projects, especially our Sunday evening women Bible study & the go and teach program. Pray that the young people, youth, and women of this area find a genuine relationship with God and seek His purpose for their lives. Pray that we can help rise up strong leaders to continue this work.

4. God to Work in the Kids' Hearts

Pray for the kids in our Compassion program. These kids have been through too much in their young lives. They have been abandoned or maltreated and are dealing with the loss of their parents. Some are also recovering from abuse. Pray that they will cling to God as their true Father and that He will heal their hearts. Pray that they bond well with their caregivers and learn how to live in a healthy family.

5. Volunteers & Staff

Pray for God to send the right people to work here, with hearts to love and serve our kids. We desperately need an administrator and media officer as we are looking to expand our work. For those of us already here, pray that our relationships with God are strengthened, so we will have more of His love to pass along.

6. Favor & Safety

We live and work in Refugee Camp, a place known for violence and extortion. Pray that God will protect everyone in the ministry and that we'll have favor with the governing bodies that have jurisdiction over us. Thank you to those of you who faithfully pray for God’s Friendliness Ministries! It is only by God's grace and provision that we are here doing this work and we depend upon your prayers.