Our Impact

GOFRIL is making a difference in the lives of our communities and their constituents. Read what people are saying about our works and Gofril.

Gofril Ministries Testimonial

Bishop Baruani Lumwakela Etabo

Bethany Christian Church of Malawi

Gofril Ministries has been a God-send to Dzaleka communities. As a Christian International NGO serving overseas, the Hard Places Community needed a base back home in Dzaleka to come around us with financial oversight and accountability, emotional support, and spiritual encouragement. GM has been all of those things to us and more. On a daily basis, GM staff is friendly, flexible, and self-sacrificing as they work with us to keep all of the ministry wheels turning overseas.

Once every year, GM leaders visit churches in Malawi, lifting us up and being part of what God is doing in our ministry. The Hard Places Community is so grateful God led us to GM, and we highly recommend them to any missionary to call “home.”

Gofril Ministries Partnership Testimonial

Eto Esther Ngena

Executive Director Hero Girls

Before seeking for partnership, our new teammates confirmed that becoming GM partner is a good move and we have found that to be true. GM is so much more than just a financial clearinghouse. While we were still at a beginning stage, we were visited in our office by Raphael. It was great having them right there ready to answer questions. We felt very supported and loved. GM sends representatives to visit us often, treating all of their partners in Dzaleka to a thank-you dinner or retreat.

The board members request to receive our newsletters and we have received encouraging replies from them. We got some particularly good advice from one of the board members when we were struggling with a decision early in our work on the ground. We are not a number or a file to GM; they know us and want to do whatever they can to help our work to succeed.

GM has provided us with much-needed support and encouragement for our work in Dzaleka. And beyond the practical service they provide, the team at GM has also become family. We appreciate their visits on the field, their constant prayers, and their desire to stay connected with us.

Thank you GM!

Reflection on God's Love

Nancy Kaboo

I used to always ask myself the question “is it true that God’s love has no end? Even when I fail, fall down, feel lonely, abandoned, and feel crushed?"

Gofril Ministries Testimonial

Omari Bikson David

I was born and raised in a very poor village, and after my brother and I were forced to leave our home country, we sought asylum in Tanzania where I continued my studies and engaged in volunteering.